how to close a sale

Let’s talk about pain

This is really important… Because if you do not know this, then you CAN NOT drive the sale forward.

Wow, wow, wow. You don’t hear the words “can not” a whole lot from a coach right? Let’s break it down. 

Ultimately to effectively move your sale forward you MUST ask yourself this: 

Where is this prospect experiencing pain? What’s their pain? 

Pain drives change

If this prospect has no real pain or no real need for your services, you need to recognize that immediately and do one of two things. 

  1. Ask more questions

  2. Walk away

You always want to ask more questions - I am not just letting you off the hook here, and letting you give up. No, no, no - it is your job to play detective. Ask as many questions as you can. 

Get to the heart of why this person is interested in working with you

Don’t forget: They are on the phone with you for a reason.  They are talking to you because you stood out to them.  They are on this call with you because there is something that piqued their curiosity about what YOU have to offer. 

They are on the phone with you because they have a desire, but you have to determine…

  • How strong that desire is

  • Why is that desire there

  • What changes are they willing to make

Here’s a scenario: 

You’re on a discovery call with someone, and they tell you their desire is to “just lose weight.” 

That’s a bullshit answer. Right? No one loses the weight, “just because” they want to lose weight. 

Think about it - the act of losing weight is hard work, uncomfortable, and feels restricting. No one wants to go through that for no reason!!!

You already know this, but they might not

It’s not about losing the weight. It’s about other parts of their life they want to feel differently. But their reason as to WHY they want to lose the weight is a mindset you need to transform as a coach and get to the heart of right off the bat. 

Help them visualize and feel the change and results they desire.

ASK THE CLIENT: What’s it going to feel like for you to lose the weight?

  • Improve my relationship with my significant other

  • Feel better about myself

  • Fit into that dream wardrobe 

  • More energy to play with my kids

Once you uncover those results - focus on the WHY

This applies to any coaching specialization - whether you help balance hormones or you design workouts - this applies. 

Get to the true need behind the need. 

That first answer they give you? That first answer is not the whole answer. The first answer is the tip of the iceberg, but there is a whole lot under the surface you need to uncover to find their true pain point. 

Now, I know all of this is so much easier said than done.


The truth is that many hop onto discovery calls with hearts pounding and minds whirling, only to find the call flew by, and they have no idea what happened. 

Sound familiar? 

Converting more calls to clients

No more flying-by-the-seat-of-your-pants discovery calls. Your prospects and clients deserve so much more than that! They have busy lives and want to hear what you have to offer (just like I mentioned earlier). 

No, your prospects do not want to hear you nervously ramble.

It’s your job to create a sales plan. 

Why? That’s how you will serve them, coach them, and ultimately change their lives. 

Without it, they will never hear what you have to offer or how you serve, and then you will never coach them, or help to change their lives.

I want to help you make a real impact in your clients' lives. I want to help you feel confident presenting your offerings.

Ready? Good, me too :) 

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Nicole Cramer