about nicole

Nicole Cramer is a distinguished Sales Conversation Coach, Keynote Speaker, and Corporate Sales Trainer, celebrated for transforming sales through human connection and strategic language. As the former #1 sales executive nationwide at a Fortune 500 company, Nicole now channels her expertise into coaching, where she empowers sales professionals and entrepreneurs to excel. Her approach focuses on integrity and the art of conversation, enhancing clients’ ability to close deals and build lasting relationships. Based in Nashville, Nicole leads TNC Speaking and Coaching, and hosts both a popular YouTube channel and a podcast, making her a prominent voice in sales and wellness communities.

Speaking topics

  • 5 Keys to Unlock More Sales

  • The Power of Curiosity

  • Selling Without Feeling Sales-ey

  • Exactly What to Say® to Make Your Conversations Count

  • Nail the Sale! 7 Things You Need to Do to Make More Sales

The group LOVED YOU! Thank you so much and so glad we were introduced. We’ll have to stay in touch and find ways to do more. I don’t think we have ever had 50 people complete a survey and give such positive feedback across the board
— Nicole Bernardo, Northwestern Mutual Chief Development Officer
Nicole was the Keynote speaker at an event I hosted, and the positive feedback I received was incredible! Nicole brings a dynamic energy, enthusiasm, and value wherever she goes, and she is electric on stage! Nicole truly puts in the work to be the best at what she does, and her passion is inspiring to all that she encounters. Nicole is an outstanding coach, speaker, and all around human, and I am grateful to work with her.
— Cara Clark, Founder and President of the Women in Nashville NetworkSource

Available For:

Keynote Speeches

Sales team & Group Workshops

Team Retreats

Virtual Training

Private Coaching

Group Coaching

Podcast Interviews


  • SoS Presents: Exactly What to Say™ to Close More Deals

  • Sandler Ruby Event

  • Unstoppable Life Mastermind

  • Rising Stars Event

  • Northwestern Mutual Agent Training

  • Rockstar Agent Coaching Group

  • Hive Realty

  • Impact Effect Event

  • Women in Nash Network Spring Sales Summit

  • The Thing Event

  • ILEA Nashville Conference

  • Emerald Educators Event at Collective615

Nicole Cramer is a standout speaker who brings a unique ability to deeply connect with her audience. Unlike many others, Nicole frames her speech to resonate personally with attendees, not just from a professional sales coach perspective. She invests time in understanding her audience beforehand, asks insightful questions, and ensures her message hits home. The feedback from our events has been overwhelmingly positive, with attendees expressing more gratitude for Nicole’s impact than for the event itself. I can confidently say Nicole truly knows how to captivate and inspire.
— Jim Morris, Founder and CEO of Impact Effect
Nicole Cramer recently spoke at ‘The Thing,’ my event for leaders and entrepreneurs, and truly captivated our audience both on and off stage. Our attendees left inspired and ready to implement the actionable tactics and tools for sales conversations she shared. Nicole’s passion for making sales fun was evident throughout her presentation. She is an essential speaker for any event that wants attendees to leave with practical skills they can immediately apply to their business. I highly recommend Nicole to any event planner—you won’t regret it.
— Terry Weaver, Author of Making Elephants Fly, Founder of The Thing, & Keynote Speaker.
Nicole came to speak at our ILEA meeting for a group of Nashville event industry professionals. Everyone loved the topic and all of the information that she shared. She was informative, entertaining, interactive and asked some great questions to consider in our industry and with sales in general. I would recommend her for anyone needing inspiration or help improving your sales skills!
— Michelle Edwards, ILEA Board President