Andrea and Nicole are busy delivering Exactly What to Say® experiences to teams on a regular basis. Find out what's happening near you, or online.

Do you have a team of people that could benefit from elevating their communication skills and growing their influence and persuasion in their critical conversations? Contact Nicole about hosting an interactive workshop customized to your unique needs.


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About Nicole Cramer

Nicole, after multiple years as the #1 sales rep in her Fortune 500 company, Nicole started her coaching and training company to show others how to create their own sales success. With a focus on human connection, sales psychology, and those game-changing magic phrases, she assists clients in mastering their sales dialogues to achieve remarkable results.

About Andrea Ferry

Andrea, with her 20+ years of experience in the real estate sector and her position as the CEO of Rookie to Rainmaker, has honed the craft of helping clients unearth the diamonds in their data, discover infinite lead sources, and convert clients with an uncanny prowess.