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I’ve been there. I made all the mistakes when I first started.

I’ve felt your pain. I used to suck at sales - or at least that was the story I told myself. Before I was good, I was bad. I was so bad I wouldn’t even start. I wouldn’t put myself out there. I talked myself out of trying.

I was afraid to ask for business because I didn’t want to feel pushy. I was afraid to have the conversation about money because I didn’t feel like what I had to offer was worth it. I was afraid to approach people because I didn’t want them to think I was being too sales-ey.

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Now I understand my power, which changed everything. Sales is about building relationships and serving people. And as soon as I changed my mindset, selling became a totally different experience for me. I had the opportunity to learn from some of the best and in turn, I made myself the best - #1 in the nation in my Fortune 500 company, to be exact.

I struggled because I made it harder than it needed to be. And I want to help you from thinking it has to be hard for you. It doesn’t.


about your coach

I’m mostly known for being a #1 award winning Account Executive, successful sales coach, and holistic health coach. However, my background isn’t what most would guess… I started as a high school math teacher. I mean talk about sales - I dare you to convince 20+ teenagers Algebra is cool! Even though I always knew there was more to my story, there in the classroom is where I found my love for teaching and transforming lives.

When my mom’s cancer diagnosis came in, is when I finally decided to make significant changes in my life. I transformed my nutrition, became a certified holistic health coach, left teaching high school math, and accepted a position in corporate sales. I had ZERO experience in sales… but my first two years in a row I was the #1 Account Executive at my company. I uncovered my unique gifts of sales and coaching by mentoring countless colleagues and helping them move on to have very successful sales careers.

Now I lead successful coaches in creating concrete strategies to help them guide their inquiries into clients with ease. I feel very grateful to serve other coaches with my knack for motivation and accountability!

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Right now you might be thinking…

  • I don’t like telling people what I charge because I’m afraid of rejection

  • I don’t believe that I can actually get clients

  • I need to have it all together before I can help someone

  • I have never sold anything before

  • I have no idea how to even get people on discovery calls

But what if you felt…

  • Courageous overcoming objections such as “I can’t afford your services…”

  • Fearless stating your prices

  • Comfortable asking for business

  • Confident landing your first client even with ZERO experience and/or certifications

  • Certain you know the right questions to ask during discovery calls

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What you will gain


  • Understand how to find ideal clients

  • Know how to ask for powerful testimonials from clients

  • Experience a new sense of confidence to sell on calls

  • Close clients during your discovery calls

  • Identify and overcome your specific challenges

  • Stay accountable for tasks that will grow your business


  • 2 hour customized call on where you need the most help

  • A customized sales plan to guide you on next best steps

  • Ongoing support through the private FB community Nicole’s Sales Superstars

  • BONUS: Immediate & lifetime access to 3 training videos

BONUS: Immediate & lifetime access to 3 training videos


What other clients are saying….

  • "In all reality, my coach Nikki has helped me a lot. Everything we ever learned I’ve taken and executed MONTHS after coaching was completed (but is it ever fully complete? We have so much growth and room for improvement within ourselves). She really helped me by first allowing me to be completely vulnerable get out every single pent up emotion I’ve ever had towards myself and people that I resented, or felt any type of way, emotionally. I was allowed to cry out my feelings. I was allowed to punish myself but learned WHY that shouldn’t be an option. I slowly opened up to being my rawest and truest self." -Sara

  • "Nicole has a great positive attitude and she motivated me to work hard. With Nicole's guidance, I was able to achieve the highest sales in my role... I know Nicole has been a huge factor to my success. She continues to push me and I love working with her to achieve my goals." -Amy

  • "Thank you for all the positive coaching you have been giving me. I always walk away feeling more confident and excited to try the things we have discussed. What I really love about your coaching is that you explain things very clearly and give me tips that I can implement right away. Sales is about asking good questions and understanding the need behind the need and you definitely give great examples of that on our calls." -Rishma


Together we will work past the blocks keeping you from closing the deal. From feeling to pushy to feeling like a fraud because you don’t have any sales experience. I will guide you through the entire sales process and by the end you will feel confident and courageous landing your dream client.