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limited time offer


enrollment now open 🔥 limited time offer 🔥

Let me guess…

Does selling feel hard to you?

Do you feel like it’s impossible to fill up your schedule with amazing clients?

Are you scared of rejection from potential clients?

Are you just ready to serve people and wish you didn’t have to “sell” your packages?

Do you want to overcome your fears in sales in order to reach allll of your goals?

I know exactly how you feel and

I bet you’re a lot like me.

Let me tell you a secret.

I’m not some special sales fairy that has magical selling powers.

I’m a normal person. With a normal background.

When I first began my journey in the corporate sales world I had NO experience.

Seriously, I’m talking no experience. Zero. Zip. Zilch.

I had been a high school math teacher for 15 years — pretty much the furthest thing from being a sales expert.

And just like any beginner, I sucked at selling at first.

I wanted to do the best I could at my job without feeling like I was being pushy and shoving things down people’s throats just to make a sale.

I just wanted happy clients that I could serve with mad value. Sound familiar?


Hey THERE! I’m Nicole!

#1 award winning account executive, high-vibe sales coach, Exactly What to Say™ Certified Guide, and holistic health coach. I’ve coached countless clients just like you and helped grow their businesses by making selling FUN!

I’ve also been where you are, and I knew the only way to success was to figure out how to sell effectively while still enjoying myself. Fast forward 8 years and now I want to teach YOU exactly how I did it. Yuppp, that’s right. I want to teach you how the heck I...

➡ Scaled to $50k+ MONTHS in my business

➡ Made selling FUN and EASY

➡ Learned EXACTLY what to say in conversations

➡ Took those conversations and turned them into CLIENTS

….all while living a life I absolutely LOVE, exploring cities across the world, trying new vegan foods, listening to John Mayer (swoon), going to hot yoga, dancing around the house in the morning, catching sunsets, and hiking all the trails with my fur baby, Cassie.


NOW Allow ME to INTRODUCE YOU TO Next Level Sales

This course will have you focusing on sales, clients, and building your badass business to the max.

You’ll transform your coaching business where selling with ease becomes your reality. I’ll teach you how to make selling FUN. Get ready for your NEXT LEVEL UP!

It’s time to take action, get clients, and change lives!


this is HOW IT WORKS


I love when I get to share my energy with YOU, even if it’s through the camera! In each video lesson I teach what you need to focus on, and most importantly — what you can do NOW to put it into action. This is an action taking course! As long as you show up and do the work and apply what you’re learning, you will make progress!

Exactly what to saymethodology

Stop counting conversations and learn to make more of your conversations count! As an Exactly What to Say™ Certified Guide, I will teach you everything I know about how to communicate more effectively in your sales conversations so that you have more influence and impact. Which means, you'll get more of the outcomes that you want, more often. You'll learn rejection-free ways to start conversations, tips for staying in the game and building relationships, methods for shifting perspectives, and powerful ways to ask for the business and turn your conversations into clients.


I know I’m awesome, but no one woman can do it all! I’ll be sprinkling in some guest experts to teach you about their particular genius: From selling with joy, partnering with doctors, to getting media exposure and branding yourself as a health coach. We’re gonna learn it all. The best part? These aren’t just random women with a pulse — I’m bringing some of my amazing and personal connections that I have personally worked with.




Health and wellness coaches can get clients through physician referrals! This is an untapped relationship and is a very different marketing strategy than what most people are talking about online. Connecting with doctors so they refer their patients to you can be so powerful for growing your business — but it can be tricky to get past the door. Dr. Kim Foster and her course How to Partner with Doctors will give you the tips and strategies you need to build these connections.

Kim Foster is an M.D.-turned-coach, leading business mentor for health and wellness entrepreneurs, and founder of The Wellness Coach Academy. After experiencing the frustrations and limitations of the conventional healthcare system for many years, and then discovering the incredible potential of wellness coaching, she now helps health and wellness coaches build their businesses, find freedom, and make the world a healthier place. She has been featured on multiple TV, radio, and print media outlets, and is also the host of the podcast Marketing & Mindset for Wellness Coaches.

Guest Experts


Jessica Krewson, the Branding Oracle herself, is the owner and CEO of DESIGNKREW, Inc, a bespoke design and digital marketing agency based in Los Angeles, CA whose mission is to bring powerful personal brands into a tangible, beautiful, profitable reality.  

She believes that successful marketing is a mix between data and intuition, science and magic, the known and the discoverable - creating an alchemy that lights you AND your audience on FIRE. 

For over 15 years, Jessica and her team have taken the vision and dreams of powerful, feminine entrepreneurs and developed strong, aligned, beautiful personal brands, websites, and sales funnels that attract ideal audiences to her clients in droves.

Bridget Flynn

An organized office sets you up for success. A beautifully designed home office aligns you with the core values of your business and inspires you. Imagine walking into your workspace and feeling empowered, ready to conduct business like the Queen you are!

Join intuitive home organizer and designer Bridget Flynn to learn about setting up your work space for DIVINE SUCCESS: A place that supports you with its beautiful, clutter-free systems and is energetically aligned to your success. Bridget is a lifelong intuitive who bridges the practical and spiritual for her clients, creating happy homes that reflect who they are and support how they live.


Elyse Archer is the founder of She Sells, a coaching program and community for women in sales who are breaking through six figures and revolutionizing the way sales is done.

A thought leader whose insights have been featured in major media including Forbes and Inc, Elyse is passionate about empowering women to sell in a way that leverages their natural gifts, and helps them build wealth along the way. She is an international keynote speaker and host of She Sells Radio, where she shares best practices from female entrepreneurs and sales professionals who have accomplished extraordinary goals.

KASSI Underwood

Kassi Underwood is a money metaphysics teacher who aims to equip you with practical spiritual tools to make peace with yourself, make more money, have epic love, and save humanity.

Through her practice, Kassi has manifested a book deal, a marriage proposal, and an acceptance to Harvard Divinity School. She became Harvard’s first-ever (sequins-clad) meditation advisor, guiding the community in fear-releasing meditations and dance moves to Prince. Kassi also developed The Practice, a method to transform shitty, sad thoughts into loving, energizing, manifest-y ones. Since then, Kassi has become an international speaker, author of the memoir May Cause Love (HarperOne), and host of the podcast Big Energy with Kassi Underwood. Featured in The New York Times, Women’s Health, Marie Claire, and New York Magazine (among others), Kassi has shared her story and presented spiritual teachings based everywhere from women’s prisons to 30 Rock Studios. Marianne Williamson calls her "a paver of the way for a new generation."


As a marketing and messaging coach, Laura helps coaches like you get your unique message out into the world and convert your audience through the power of words and connection.

Just imagine sitting down to create your content… You know you can help more people, have a bigger impact, and make way more money. The question is, how will you turn strangers into clients? And clients into lifelong believers who do your marketing for you? More importantly, how will you unleash your brilliance to the world in a BIGGER way?

The answer: Your messaging.

Messaging is what makes a movement. And it’s why marketing succeeds or fails. If your messaging is not reflecting the full potency of your calling, it can never spark the movement you KNOW you are meant to LEAD. That’s why Laura has created a system to help you nail your message.

With a background in psychology and copywriting, Laura knows how to break the limiting beliefs that are keeping your dream clients from saying YES. She teaches you to create deep, unwavering belief in you and your programs. Because Believers Are Buyers. And marketing (at its best) builds belief in something good.

jan hoath The Resident Joy Queen

Jan (who truly is JOY incarnated) is focused on using JOY as a revenue generating activity, and how to find sales success through JOY!

She is a demonstration of her work of JOY Impact Leadership having turned down a corporate job after college to follow her JOY to alpine ski instruction in Aspen and has never looked back in the decades since. She’s built a “pinch me” life and business on JOY, leading and living the path less ordinary while also overcoming major life circumstances such as depression, debt, a cancer scare in her then 6 week old son that resulted in a medical miracle, just to name a few, all leading with mindful JOY.

Jan teaches, coaches, and guides other leaders to do the same to fulfill their visions without sacrifice, over-thinking, and over-doing. Because as she teaches, JOY and results start from within. 

Jan recently signed a $25,000 client while literally on the ski lift one afternoon in Jackson Hole. If there’s anyone who knows how to serve and sell with JOY, it’s Jan! Come learn the ways of your Soul Superpower, JOY, so that you may lead your business and life this year from a level of consciousness one below enlightenment whereby you are more creative, effective, efficient, productive, healthier, wealthier, attractive, and tuned in to your intuition.


Simple! You can expect RESULTS. 

I guarantee you will gain the confidence to start conversations that lead to clients, you’ll also learn the system I’ve used to grow my Facebook group to hundreds of engaged members, and learn how to create your funnel that will have clients signing up for discovery calls!

You’ll become the health coach you’ve always wanted to be: booked out, helping as many people as possible, and serving the health and wellness community while bringing your business to the NEXT LEVEL (and beyond!).


What my amazingly badass clients are saying….

“Being in Nicole’s Next Level Sales Group has been amazing! I’ve met some amazing women and the support is next level! While in this group I started my own FB group, hosted 12 days of giveaways, and booked FB lives and podcasts! Having a group of women who are on a similar journey and a coach who is cheering you on is an amazing experience. I suggest everyone join Nicole’s next level sales group!”

- Erica G.

“I got my first paying client within the first two weeks of the program! I really appreciate Nicole's authenticity and the way she speaks truth in love. She is not afraid to call things out, but does it in an uplifting and caring way. I can definitely tell she has my best interest in mind! I love the mindset work that Nicole teaches and having the accountability to my goals.”

- Sara D.

“Some of my favorite things about the Next Level Sales program include the group support, learning from everyone's experiences, and the VIBE!!! As a coach, Nicole is smiling all the time but still has the necessary seriousness to give great advice and ideas. Since starting the program, I have gotten clarity on who I help, I’m more consistent in how I show up, and starting conversations with people feels so much easier now that I know what to do!”

- Izzy H.


WHY SHOULD you invest in NEXT LEVEL sales?

There is one thing and one thing only that you need to do in your business (that no one else can do for you) — SALES.

There are a lot of things you can outsource...and as entrepreneurs, it’s easy to fall into the trap of wearing all of the hats in your business. Web designer, social media manager, photographer, VA... I know you know what I mean. You don’t have to do it all though.

You only have to do ONE thing and that’s to sell. There’s no way you can run a business without sales. Next Level Sales is going to teach you everything you need to know so that you can bring in allllll that income so that you can invest in outsourcing. 

And let me let you in on another little secret…

People buy from people. They don’t buy from a website, or a social media post, or an email, or even a Facebook ad…

They will buy from you because they like YOU. 

Let me show you exactly what you need to know to make money, help people, and grow your business.


If you’re still not sold, here’s a hard truth…


👎🏼 You’ll find yourself on a really difficult road to success

👎🏼 You’ll end up burnt out from hustling for clients without the right tools

So what the heck are you waiting for?



  • What does it take to sell without feeling pushy, aggressive, and assertive? How can you get more clients without feeling like a slimy car salesman? We’ll dive in right away to uncover everything you need to know about how to sell with confidence and ease knowing that you’re selling something that people truly need.

  • Who is your ideal client? And once you know that...where do you find them. We will get clear on who you sell to and where they hang out. We’ll discuss why knowing who you sell to is so critically important to your client attraction process.

  • So...what exactly are you selling people? What is your ideal client’s pain point? Without knowing what problem you solve and what results you deliver, you’ll have a lot of trouble getting people to pay you for anything...let alone a high ticket coaching package. A confused buyer cannot buy...so this is the week we’ll help you claim clarity on the transformation you offer your clients.

  • Who do you talk to, where do they hang out, and what do you say to start a conversation? We’ll spend a lot of time discussing wording and scripts that you can use to reach out to people who are interested in your work. We’ll also discuss expanding your audience through conversations with cold traffic meeting you for the first time.

  • Your hot market can be compared to low-hanging fruit. The easiest fruit to pick are the ones that hang closer to the ground and are easy to reach, right? The same is true with these types of clients! We’ll dive into who this “low hanging fruit” consists of, where to find them, and why they’re most likely to buy from you. Your warm audience includes people who are paying you with their time and attention - people who are already consuming your free value content. These are people who like you and value you.

    So where can you find them? These leads may be people who know nothing about you or your business. They may know you, but not follow you or understand what you do for a living and how you serve people. They aren’t in your world….yet. BUT, I’ll show you how to get them into your community so that you can serve them!

  • “The fortune is in the follow-up”. Staying in touch, nurturing your audience, continuing to provide free value, and showing how much you care. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. We will talk this week about different ways to continue building rapport with follow up conversations, reasons to keep reaching out, and ways to keep people close in your world so when it’s time to buy, they buy from you!

  • What do you say? How do you show up with confidence? How do you make sure the ideal client says “YES!”? I will teach you allll about nailing those discovery calls to get more clients. You’ll get my discovery call workbook and you’ll learn how to write your own scripts before each call (yep, I still do this!) and you’ll also learn how to trust yourself that you know what to say and how to direct the call for success!

  • So you rocked the discovery call and it went SO WELL…but the client says she needs to speak to her husband first. Or doesn’t have the money right now and doesn’t want to invest. We’ll cover how to overcome these objections and in some ways, even prevent them! We’re talking all about how to avoid these situations when possible and what to do when they arise!

  • This is what makes a business, a business. Unfortunately it’s really hard to be an entrepreneur with no income...and in order to make money, you have to close the deal to make a profit. Towards the end of our program, you’ll uncover the best ways to close the deal and make the sale so that you can serve your clients the best that you can!

  • You need to CELEBRATE every little win and this week we will talk about why that is soooo important to the process. When you celebrate, you’re saying, “thank you Universe, more please”. When celebration becomes your habit, you’re inviting more abundance and more reasons to celebrate to come your way. What you focus on grows, so we will learn how to focus on celebration so you’re always inviting more!


your time is now


$2,222 pay in full



Here’s a breakdown of What You Get:

  • the objection obliterator process ($997 value)

  • access to the closer method ($3,997 value)

  • the signature conversation system ($3,500 value)

  • access to the conversation organizing system ($997 value)

  • guest expert trainings on topics including: money mindset, organizing your home office for success, branding your brilliance, and more! ($3,000+ value)

  • ACCESS TO MY Simple Sales Solution course ($200 value)

  • Access to the Happiness Renewal Program with Jan Hoath ($397 value)

  • access to the ninja copywriting and messaging course with Laura Mzhickteno ($997 value)


But wait, there’s even more:

  • Exact Scripts for Discovery Calls

  • MY signature LEADS TRACKER that I use in my business + a bonus training where I’ll show you exactly how to use it and help you get it all set up

  • lifetime access to the next level sales learning materials

With all this and more, the total value of the NLS program is more than $16,000.



If you’re STILL not convinced — take a look at what some of my former Next Level Sales clients have said!

“Since beginning the program I have seen a level of personal growth I might have not achieved without the guidance and encouragement of Nicole and her program. I have discovered new layers of myself. I have learned how to pursue what truly brings me joy, how to achieve it, and how to embrace all that comes with the growth process during the chase. It has been a beautiful journey. I am a completely different person since working with Nicole. My favorite thing about Nicole's coaching style is she truly cares about me as a person and my development as a coach. She is always encouraging and continuously empowers me to be the best version of myself in every area of my life not just in my business. She truly takes her role in my life seriously and I could not be more grateful for her presence in it.”

- Melissa G.

“My favorite things about this program are the private Facebook group, the women I’ve met, and the support we give each other, plus Nicole’s knowledge of sales and her energy.I highly recommend that if you’re looking for a group coaching program, especially one devoted to getting you more sales and teaching you how to sell, then definitely join Nicole’s Next Level Sales Group Coaching Program. You will not regret it!”

- Erica F.

“Nicole has been so supportive of me. If you are considering the Next Level Sales program, I highly highly highly recommend it. I have been going through all of the online content even though the program hasn’t started yet…and I already have a client! I also have other potential clients who are interested. If you’re on the fence, SIGN UP!”

- Stephanie R.


A final note from me to you...



Even if you don’t sign up for this program, the fact that you’re reading this right now means that you want better for yourself and want to go after your dreams. It means you thought, even just for a moment, that you deserve more. You are amazing, and I am so proud of you for taking charge of your business and inviting yourself to level up. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your online space and community.



Are you ready to say “YES” to your dreams, “NO” to your fears, and invite wealth, success, and a leveled-up community into your life?