Do you just want to help people and wish the sales thing would figure itself out?

Do you feel worried about getting discovery calls because you're not sure what to say on them?

Do objections scare you, to the point where you don't even reach out and ask to work with people, because you're afraid of what they might say?

Does the idea of selling sound so complex and complicated to you that you end up avoiding it all together?

Does closing a deal feel uncomfortable to you because you hate the idea of asking for money? Do you avoid the money conversation and end up giving your services away for free?

Are you sitting on a health coaching certification and not doing anything with it because the idea of selling is so uncomfortable?


Here’s the thing… I am NOT special.

I get it, I’ve been in your exact shoes. I wasn't born with magical selling gifts. 

Seven years ago, I was a high school math teacher where I first discovered my passion for teaching and transforming lives. After 15 years of teaching, I jumped head first into a career I had absolutely ZERO experience in - corporate sales. I was brand-spanking-new to sales (I’m talking the interns there had more experience than I did)!

I'd never sold anything in my life.

It scared the crap out of me.

And I sucked - at first. 


I did NOT want:

  • To feel salesy

  • To feel pushy

  • To ask people for their money…

But I wanted to help them.

I knew that I could, but getting over that hump of how to sell was the thing that almost held me back completely.

I didn’t understand my power and I was walking into every prospective client with the wrong mindset.

Now I am a #1 award winning account executive, successful sales coach, and holistic health coach. I’ve coached countless clients and helped grow their business by making selling FUN.

Here’s what I believe:

If you want to help tons of people and make a living with your services, you will sell and be in sales for the rest of your business’s life - so let's make it enjoyable!

THIS is why I want to help you. I know you have skills and abilities that can help people right now, but you're holding yourself back from doing it because this idea of feeling “salesy” and pushy turns you off to the idea of asking people to work with you.

But these people need you.


and i want to help you.

Let me remind you, whatever your limiting beliefs are screaming at you... there's no doubt in my mind, this IS possible for you too. 

I created a program that simplifies everything about sales. It keeps it easy and approachable on your end, plus gets you out there helping the people who need you now.


Welcome to:

The Simple Sales Solution

It’s time to conquer the mindset of sales & enjoy it! (Is that even possible? Yes!)

  • Discover why you think sales feels “salesy”, pushy, and uncomfortable

  • Know how to sell without being aggressive

  • Be confident with every discovery you book and know exactly what to say

  • Master how to have a successful call & effective conversation

  • Learn how to attract clients that value you and are ready to say YES!

Objections or not, here we come.

We're going to tackle the most common objections you'll hear and learn ways to overcome each and every single one. By the end of the course, Simple Sales Solutions, you will feel completely comfortable, in the moment, talking with people and selling.

Are you ready to dive into everything it takes to close the deal, sell, and feel comfortable and amazing while doing it all?


Saving the best for last...

This is an opportunity for you to not just improve your sales but immerse into a community of health and wellness coaches (just like you!), and together, there is strength in numbers. And we will change the world.

This is the time to take action.

In four short weeks you will be a more confident about asking clients to work with you.

Ready to change their lives with your service?

***Please note you MUST subscribe to the mailing list to receive the course emails and materials!***


In the Simple Sales Solution Program, you will gain…



  • Learn how to sell using simple proven systems and easy-to-follow templates

  • Strengthen your wealth consciousness (so you can charge what you are worth!)

  • Set up simple sales plans that will give you clarity on what to do and when to do it

  • Feel excited about your work and confident in the value you provide

  • Sell your programs with confidence, grace, and ease

  • Overcome any mindset or self-worth issues that are holding you back from the success you desire

  • Attract clients you adore who see massive results from your work together (and send even more ideal clients your way)

  • Get answers to your questions about pricing, limiting beliefs, overcoming objections, identifying your target market, closing deals, and more!

  • Create your customized ideal version of a sales plan for success - on your terms!


  • An in-depth Simple Sales Solution 4-week video course

  • The detailed Sales + Money Mindset workbook complimenting each training video


What other clients are saying….

  • "I would highly recommend Nicole’s Simple Sales Solution Program. The combination of content, assignments and virtual meet ups gave me a great understanding of the information without having to devote a lot of additional time. Having a place to “practice” and get feedback on my selling strategies and “scripts” was immensely helpful and well worth the investment. I have 4 new clients. Thank you Nicole." -Angela

  • "The course really provided me with a beautiful script that I can use now when it comes to selling my service. I learned that I can sell my service and still be me doing so. Also the community that we had in the course was beautiful and I learned so much from the other people joining me in the course. The tasks that we got each week were totally doable and helped me so much with stepping out of the comfort zone and start selling eventually." -Izzy

  • "The Simple Sales Solution is a great course for anyone who wants to perfect the very basics of selling. In 4 weeks, Nicole covers everything you need to get out there and sell! In the weekly group calls you get to talk through that week’s topic and get any and all of your questions answered. Nicole is amazing and her community and the other group members are so supportive! Overall, this course was a great experience. Thanks Nicole!" -Carly

  • Loved working with Nicole and how open she is to working with you right where your at. Her confidence, passion, and expertise was a breath of fresh air to work with. I feel even more clear on what I bring to the table as a creative and comfortable raising my prices. This course was the perfect choice to help me move forward in confidence with my brand! - Regina